
School of System Socionics

“Practice is the proof of the truth”

Обложка книги Ермак В. Д. Как научиться понимать людейYermak V.D..
How to learn to understand the people

Socionics - a new method of human cognition.

Publisher: AST, 2005

The book deals with the Augustinavichiute-Medvedev-Ermak concept of the modern system of socionics. Socionics is science of the informational nature of the human psyche, information metabolism types and interaction of a man with the world and people. It is a tool with which you can identify the key characteristics of yourself and your partners, relationships in groups and teams.

Обложка книги Ермак В. Д. Классическая соционикаYermak V.D.
Classical Socionics

Series: Library Socionica.
Publisher: The Black Squirrel, 2009

This book is part of the Gold Fund of socionics literature. It clearly and consistently presented the classical A.Augustinavichiute - N.Medvedev - V.Ermak conception of socionics, given strict and clear definition of the basic concepts and structure of socionics model of the human psyche - the Model A. It describes in detail the mechanism of information exchange and 16 models of psychological types are presented in the special way - compressed and purified from the subjective perception. This fundamental work, which should be familiar to anyone who wants to master the socionics theory and practice it in real life.

Обложка книги Эглит И. М. Определение соционического типаEglit I.M.
Socionic type identification. From A to Z tutorial.

Series: Library Socionica. Applied Socionics.
Publisher: The Black Squirrel, 2010

Here is the first tutorial for those who want to identify the type of information metabolism (TIM). This book in detail and in an easy form sets out the theoretical material. The manual includes more than 500 examples of thinking representatives of different personality types, an exercises for self-study in all key topics, describes the results of long-term observations and experiments conducted by the Kiev School of System Socionics. First published collection of indicators socionic functions with illustrations and examples.

The book is on sale. Contact tel. +38 (044) 540 - 50 - 30. Cost - 80 UAH.