
School of System Socionics

“Practice is the proof of the truth”

TIM Models descriptions

The abstract А-Model has 16 different instance models, each of them define a particular type of information metabolism (TIM). Altogether there are 16 instance models of information processing, hence, 16 TIMs. This section contains descriptions of these 16 models.

A TIM model - is a formula that describes in its formal language characteristics of the information processing by the psyche. Although a TIM model is accurate, it is presented in a specific form, which could be hard to understand. To help exemplify the model, one could make a collective description of the brightest representatives of each TIM. But even so these descriptions would be greatly generalized. For the sake of simplification they are always compromizing with the truth.

Descriptions presented in this section, unlike descriptions made by other authors, attempt to isolate particulars related to differeces of personal story factors from the specific TIM-related characteristics. It is an effort to present descriptions of the TIM models, rather than descriptions of particular representatives of the TIMs.

IL - Intuitive logical extravert ("Don Quixote")


Sees the world as a world of meaning, ideas, puzzles and the solutions finding for the answers to his questions. In each situation he penetrate well into the essence of an object or phenomenon, its positive possibilities, proves and describes them in terms of global, abstract logical laws.

To present his vision he builds an abstract system, a scheme, a generalized concept, which broadly justifies concrete idea, a guess or an opportunity.


is perceptions of willful resistance, pressure and protection are based on the generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. Understanding of human relationships and the ways to avoid tension in them are based only on his personal understanding. Not able to assess the adequacy of liking / disliking, to agree with the common rules. It’s difficult for him to consider to the situation in relations. Therefore, hint of unethical behavior, of inability to act properly or of the disrespect for other people perceived painfully by him.

He stereotypically seeks to establish and maintain relationships in order to protect self and his relatives from the volitional pressure, but with limited personal understanding of these relations.


Aesthetics and comfort (in a wide sense) attracts him much. He feels the lack of knowledge and skills to eliminate discomfort and inability to diversify his aesthetic perception. He would like to believe that he can create and maintain a pleasant emotional atmosphere around, in a small circle, in an informal atmosphere. Positive assessment of this skill pleases him. He gets “activated” in situation of good, warm emotional atmosphere.


During the life he has worked out an individual convenient ways of activities distribution over the time. Inadvertently he selects the best technologies and practices for the current operation. Subconsciously, without thinking, he makes flexible use of a\/ailable goals achieving ways, allowing them to fit the overall time plan, which he mapped out for himself.

SE- Sensory ethical introvert (“Dumas”)


"Dumas" perceives the world in terms of comfort and convenience, especially emotional comfort. He understands and appreciates comfort, depending on the time, place and situation.
He aims to reduce the negative glow in the general emotional atmosphere to raise the mood of others, consciously change the state of another person's emotional condition, creating a specific comfortable environment around them.


His abilities to assess the future, to predict, anticipate are based on-established stereotypes, he uses borrowed techniques for solving such problems. Time limits he appoints stereotypically, he cannot always manage time according to the situation.
Understanding of the technological properties of the materials, the construction workflow sequence, different ways of working and performance is based only on his personal experience. He is not able to e\/aluate and compare his way to solve such problems with the way the others do. He is sensitive about criticism of his ways to set up business and organization processes.


Unusual features, ideas and opportunities in a broad sense and outstanding personalities attract him much. Sometimes he has difficulties in situations with rich potential.
He would like to act justly, reasonably, logically in concrete situations, but in the same time he needs assessment of those skills. Unconsciously activated by the need to build a logical justification that helps in realizing a significant potential.


In everyday life he has its own level of claims, wealth and influence in every situation. Flexible and without hesitation he applies his natural ability to establish good relations, to negotiate. Unconsciously use this ability to strengthen its position, advance their interests.

ES (Ethical-sensory extrovert, "Hugo")



In his perception emotions are the fundamental of the world. He has a good sense of the emotional atmosphere in any situation. He knows the appropriate way of expression, location, and weight (importance) of the internal state in each situation. He has a flexible approach to solving problems with emotions control and expression. He feels well both in the negative and in the positive emotional conditions.
He creates comfort and warmth around himself, comfortably equips surrounding space with beautiful things so he is changing the overall condition and mood.


Practical and technological thoughts are firmly based on the knowledge acquired and on the sample decisions about similar problems. Methods of business in general or in a particular are selected according to the others authority opinion, or are adjusted to the one of the mastered patterns.

Predictions of the specific changes are performed by ES only on the basis of his personal experience. He is not able to resolve his way to predict with other prediction patterns. He is sensitive about criticism of the failure of the timing, he does not like situations of delays, and he gets lost due to the negative events.


Information about order, specific logical relationships in activities or interests attracts him much. Needs hint about specific methods of linking phenomena, laws and regulations.

He would like to believe that he can choose good potentials, with even a small possibility. Needs an assessment of this skill. He is activated by the need to create an order, a clear consistency and clarity in the matter, especially if it will receive the recognition of those abilities.


Involuntarily he tracks relationships in his social circle. Do not hesitate to use a variety of ways to establish and maintain relationships. Good relationships are important for him, for personal self-confidence in the situation.
To avoid the deterioration in relations, often without realizing, he starts to operate with the pressure to force the showdown, forcing this way a partner to change the relationships for the better side.

LI (Logical-intuitive introvert, "Robespierre”, “Descartes")



We can say that LI has analytical mind. He understands in which relationships are between objects or between phenomena. He knows which laws can be applied in a case and which cannot be applied. 
Basing on a comprehensive analysis LI highlights specific guesses about the positive core content of the specific objects and phenomena, their concrete positive opportunities, also he expresses some constructive ideas.


He uses stereotypes about the relationship between people and the ways to avoid the unpleasant ethical situations.
Protecting living space strong-willed manifestations he carries only on the basis of personal experience. Because of the limited capacity to resist he overreacts on any interference in their lives.


Information about good mood, a specific positive state, and feeling attracts him. He would like to think that he can eliminate severe discomfort, reduce discomfort in the world. He needs assessment of this skill.
He is activated when there is a need to make the environment more comfortable so it should lead to a better emotional state or at least to cheer up people in the immediate circle.


Over his life he has developed a settings and methods related to specific practical activity, technology, resource use. Spontaneously feels the proper way to of the resources distribution in time in order to solve current challenges effectively.

ET (Ethical intuitive extravert, "Hamlet")


Fine and elaborated emotions are the corner stone of his life. This type has good understanding of positive and finely detailed emotional states (emotions, feelings) either his own or other person's at close psychological range. He can see shades and fine details of positive emotional states  and can model emotions in different situations or moments. Creates emotionally uplifted and often  wound-up atmosphere for himself and his close environment.

It is typical of him to draw attention of other people to imminent troubles, hardships or inauspicious events. He perceives and interprets events as phenomena of global meaning and scale. Can assume tragic and warning tones in assesment of events. Has a tendency to see deep links and interdependency of events, far-reaching concequences, which have importance in the emotional context. Tries to avoid mistakes which might have negative consequences and warns others against commiting such mistakes.


This type has common notions about professional or technical side of activities of his interest. In his work prefers to firmly stick to the knowledge and techniques he has learned from competent sources and suspects the same attitude in other people.

His understanding of comfort and discomfort as well as aesthetics, sensory bodily perceptions is based only on his personal notion. He has difficulties in correlating his understanding in this matter with the generally accepted notions. That causes his irritated and painful reactions when people make remarks regarding his lack of skills in questions of general comfort or aesthetics. Tries to implement his own, deeply individual, often inadequate understanding of aesthetisc for practical purposes. Can have an inculcated notion that one must overcome pain of work and efforts to have decent looks.


He is attracted by different theories and conceptual constructs of various kinds. Examples of clear logical thinking win his attention and inspire him although his own analytical capabilities are limited to the level of individual understanding. Judges information which requires analytical competence based on subjective and deeply individual opinions and preferences. Cannot correlate his understanding with the commonly accepted one. Can have exaggereted reactions to critisism of his analytical skills.

A representative of this type believes himself to be capable to protect himself, his opinions and resist agression defending his life space. He typically needs and seeks a positive feedback, positive assessment of his protective capabilities. Unconsciously gets inspired by an idea or possibility to show his best when defendig some cause. He is flattered by being presented as a champion, standard-bearer or defender of  a just cause, protector of dear persons or values.


Has generally satisfactory relationships with people. Has no problems handling his likes or dislikes based on aqcuired experience and personal needs. The process of forming of the interpersonal relationships for him is mainly a coincidence of individual factors and preferences.

Usually he has a well developed  capbility to unconsciously sense positive potential of things, people and events and he uses this ability in his life. 

LF- Logical sensory introvert ("Maxim Gorky")


Has the perception of the world as a system of rules, laws, knowledge, hierarchies. He perceives his surrounding within an elaborated and structured outlook. He finds a place for every notion or phenomenon in this system. He is prone to use influence, propaganda, exercise compulsion and force to preserve the valued system and established order. He aptly varies the degree of pressure and the instrumeпt of influence for the achievement of his goals with relevance to the situation.


He establishes good relations based on the learned patterns. His understanding of emotional ties between people and interpersonal sympathies is based on conventional concepts. Has certain difficulty when in need to find way to express a positive attitude in a non standard situation.

His field of vision related to possibilities, potentials and insights into the meaning of phenomena is limited to his personal experience and personal understanding. He assesses personal traits and abilities of others based on his proper concepts. He experiences certain difficulty when confronted with the need to estimate the adequacy of these assessments and how they agree with other people’s opinions.


He faces difficulty when there is a need to create desirable emotional atmosphere. He is attracted by the ways to escape from negative states, gain enthusiasm and inspiration.

He is activated by positive prospects, by the feeling of being involved in some significant events.


Based on his life experience he picks up the necessary instrumeпt and best practice for an activity in which he is engaged. The technical side of the process happens to him automatically and effectively.

He confidently uses his individual skill to organize work space, convenience and comfort.

FL- Sensory logical extravert ("Zhukov")


Has perception of the world as the battleground of will, power, strength, interests and means of gaining influence and control. He is good at understanding power balance and power-related potentials of various objects, people and public structures. In any situation he knows how to control, subdue, suppress and overcome in order to achieve his aims. He creates concrete logical schemes for the achievement of his goals. He instrumeпtally creates or manipulates the rules and procedures which would allow him to maximize his power position.


Understanding of potentials and possibilities is based on stereotypic, often borrowed, methods of assessment. The scope of possibilities is limited to common set of choices. Assessment of other persons’ potentials and abilities is mostly stereotypic.

He can established close relations with selected persons and maintain them only based on his own understanding of personal relations. He is not able to choose optimal way of expressing his attitude or even to estimate appropriateness of the method of establishing relations especially whether it looks appropriate for other people. This is why he is sensitive to remarks accusing him of callousness and awkwardness.


He is attracted by the information about positive concrete prospects, forthcoming favourable opportunities, fortunate incidents. He often feels the lack of skill of prediction and foreseeing the favourable moments.

He would like to believe that he is able to influence the general emotional atmosphere, energize and support the cheerful mood. He needs to have this skill appreciated. He is unconsciously activated when it is necessary to show himself as the cause or an actor in supporting the emotional atmosphere or stirring up emotional environment.


In everyday life he uses individually proven methods of creating comfort and convenience. Acting without much effort, he is flexible and efficient to use the necessary instrumeпt, technology, process in order to carry on with his current practical activity.

TE- Intuitive ethical introvert ("Yesenin")


He perceives the world as an ongoing succession of events and changes which he always endows with deep meaning. He is specifically inclined to mark the events that have universal or life-changing character. He can precisely estimate the direction and development of events taking into account general tendencies, as well as specifics of the situation.

In situations, which may bring about worsening of emotional atmosphere and lowering the moods, he tries to prevent such worsening by all means. In such cases he creates for himself and those around him cheerful climate as an antidote. His main slogan sounds: never loose your heart, even in the most difficult situations.


The methods of eliminating discomfort, creating convenience, understanding the esthetics of forms and proportions are based on aquired knowledge. The knowledge is either obtained in the process of education or borrowed from trusted persons. It is difficult for him to create an esthetic product which would meet non-standard requirements.

His approaches to concrete practical activity are peculiar, and they do not always correspond to commonly accepted practices. He does not notice this incongruity, it is also difficult for him to correlate his methods of work with the methods of other people. Criticizing of his practical abilities, business qualities, and the choice of methods and instrumeпts could be unpleasant to him.


He is attracted by the information about power-related aspects of life, particularly, concrete methods of protecting his living space, his interests. He feels lack of skills and information in the ways of protection and asserting himself.

He would like to boast with his analytical skills. He needs appreciation of this ability.

He is unconsciously activated when it becomes necessary to employ his analytical, logical faculties, specifically, when it leads to strengthening of his esteem.


He is a naturally shrewd person grasping immediate meaning of things and phenomena. In different situations he easily copes up with the tasks which require making a choice among several options. He can grasp the positive side of persons or events. He is flexible and extensively makes use of his inherent ability to engage in and support relations with people. He spontaneously maitains his relashionships, paying only occasional attention to them.


FR- Sensory ethical extravert ("Napoleon, Caesar")


He understands very well how to withstand pressure, counteract infringements on his interests, preserve his independence and existing balance of power. He uses manipulation with inter-personal relations as his tool which aims at channeling relations between people in desirable way, thus enabling him to gain his benefits and maintain his life space protected.


His creativity follows the general trend. His ability to assess positive potentials and possibilities is based on acquired stereotypical views. Construction of general logical concepts is done using his deeply personal interpretation of objective interdependencies around him. That is why any necessity to create a new systemic viewpoint involves difficulties. Typically he puts his efforts to realize a concrete idea or possibility while having a limited (on the level of social opinion) understanding of the latter.


He is attracted by information related to events, changes, opportunities or information related to avoiding unfavorable circumstances, repetition of the same mistakes, general prognostication or historical lessons of the past.

He would like to boast of having a high professional skill in the area of his interest. He needs positive assessment of this skill.

He becomes unconsciously activated whenever there is a need to counteract an eventual adversity by means of concrete effective work.


His individual program of reducing discomfort and creating general comfort is realized by creating concrete positive emotional environment for himself and those close to him. Spontaneously creates a close circle of live, high-spirited atmosphere.

TP- Intuitive logical introvert ("Balzac")


He sees and understands very well the course of events. He can predict the way things happen and the results of activity. Makes prognostications which often prove to be true.

Studies characteristics of objects from the point of view of practical use. He can create a new method of work and the instrumeпts. He achieves optimal technology which allows saving time.


Comfort and convenience are understood as previously assimilated norms and stereotypes. It is not always that he can create a convenient working or domestic atmosphere. In emotional states, he is oriented by his own experience. He is often inadequate in expressing his emotions. The estimation of his emotional state by outside people can be unpleasant to him.


He feels somewhat unsure of his ability to stand for himself, to protect his interests. He is attracted by any kind of information of the ways to gain profit, income, material recourses.

He would like to believe that he can create good relations, be tactful and pleasant to communicate with. He needs positive estimation of this skill.


As he results of life experience accumulated he involuntary distinguishes the essence of things, inherent opportunities and internal properties. In the first place, he notices negative qualities, properties. A well developed logic allows easy structuring the events and phenomena in the course of everyday life.

PT- Logical intuitive extravert ("Jack London")


He can notice and flexibly use the variety of objects and their properties. Possesses a developed technological thinking – know how to create optimal and productive method of work, a new instrumeпt. He feels well the development in the close future and uses this knowledge to implement his skills at the proper moment.


He possesses general concepts of emotional world. He can lift the spirits, support atmosphere in the collective using stereotypic methods.

He understands comfort only based on his own experience and ideas. In this relation he is not flexible and cannot objectively estimate his understanding of comfort and convenience.


Feels difficulty when attempting to create good relations. He needs help in understanding sympathy and antipathy.

He is activated when it is necessary to overcome difficulties and demonstrate volitional powers, particularly in case of overcoming difficulties and specifically if it assists, in his opinion, to the triumph of the good. He needs positive estimation of his volitional powers.


In everyday life, he relies on the schemes and structures worked out by experience. He follows individually worked out way to build the logics of actions. Spontaneously and precisely captures the essence of events and phenomena. He is as sharp as a needle in understanding the essense of events and phenomena.

RF- Ethical sensory introvert (Dreiser)


He is good in noticing nuances of other peoples’ relations, knows how the relations are formed, become evident and change in various situations, he knows the norm of manifestation of relations accepted in the society and has his own concept of morality.

 He is well oriented both in negative and in positive relations. He can exist in the situation of a long lasting conflict protecting himself and his relatives adequately in the situation as it has developed. He is stubborn and hard when defending moral and ethical values.


He can estimate the order and consistence of thinking, actions, phenomena from the point of view of the concepts assimilated. Has generally accepted ideas of general logical interrelations and dependencies in the surrounding world, of building non-contradictory conclusions.
Hidden possibilities and the covered potential are estimated exclusively proceeding from own understanding. He cannot estimate whether his understanding coincides with the generally accepted one. The necessity to understand the essence of logical models, theories, explanations is limited to the circle of his interests (activity).

 The vision of concrete positive opportunities and abilities is based only on personal experience. This is why he is supersensitive to criticism as to the absence of flexibility, acumen, necessity to search new variants.


He feels lack of orientation in concrete and applied practical activity. He is attracted by the information of the necessity to perform concrete work, of effective means to do it, of positive properties of concrete objects. When performing work he relies exclusively on his personal experience. He wishes to perform concrete work in a definite specialty and improve his skills in a narrow sphere.

He would like to believe that he can avoid unfavorable events, the repetition of past mistakes. He needs this skill to be appreciated.

Unconsciously he is activated in case of necessity to predict negative events, their consequences and to avoid them, particularly if they influence his concrete practical activity. Concrete actions add to him the assuredness of avoiding failures in future.


He uses an individual automatically realized method of creating positive emotional background for himself and his next of kin in various life situations.

In reality he reacts to unpleasant feelings, inconveniences, discomfort and acts to eliminate them.

To feel himself better he reduces discomfort in the surrounding world, removes inconveniences and unpleasant feelings, creates comfort.

PS- Logical sensory extravert (Stierlitz, Holmes)


In the surrounding objects, events, phenomena he sees first of all their practical side. He perceives everything from the point of view of using in his activity, of properties and qualities that can be useful in his interests. He understands work and activity as a developed process – a full set of actions from the beginning to the end (the end understood as concrete finished result). He is able to take into account the nuances of each stage of work, to correct his actions in conformity to the current situation, to choose optimal methods or approaches among those worked out. He permanently improves his professional skills.

He manages the feeling of convenience, comfort and discomfort. His vision of esthetics and beauty includes any objects; it can change depending on the situation. He strives to create comfortable conditions, eliminate discomfort with the aim of creating the necessary conditions for work. He uses the understanding of beauty to improve the properties of concrete objects. 


He traces the mood in the narrow circle of familiar and interesting to him people. There exists a generally accepted idea of the necessity of good humor in the circle of people who communicate. He can support uplifting – cheerful tone of communication with the aid of assimilated methods. He feels lost in a negative emotional atmosphere. He tries to avoid such situations. He often expresses negative emotions in a non-adequate form.

Being guided only by his personal experience, he tries to avoid unexpected events, the loss of time and he takes into account past mistakes. He is supersensitive to the information in inability to predict negative consequences or bad timing of something. His attitude to the state of waiting is negative.


He is attracted by the information of human relations in general, of their changes, improvements or worsening. He is well oriented in the relations based exclusively on his personal experience, he is not capable to compare this experience with the usual manner of building and demonstrating relations. He strives to avoid negative attitude of those around him. At that, he himself can demonstrate negative attitude irrespective of the consequences.

He would like to believe that he can be a keen, smart person, to see concrete positive opportunities, people’s abilities. He needs positive assessment of this skill. He strives to be understood and understandable.

He is unconsciously activated when it is necessary to find a concrete opportunity to receive the expected relations.


In everyday life he surreptitiously traces the observation of logics and justice in everything. He spontaneously protects, defends his own system of values, his understanding of justice elaborated during the course of life according to which he lives. He resists any pressure, forced influence.

RI- Ethical intuitive introvert (Dostoyevsky, Watson)


He sees the world as a society of interesting personalities connected by a thin network of mutual sympathies and antipathies. He views and estimates everything in his own manner by his attitude to the object (person) and by the attitude that the object (person) arouses in the close surrounding. He sees the attitudes in their development; he has a fine appreciation of details and nuances of the attitude to himself and to the object of his interest. He does not understand negative attitude, feels himself lost in the situations of negative attitudes and tries to avoid them by all means.

He sees internal inclinations, abilities and motivations of persons. He can find a justification for practically any negative deed and see positive in the negative. He corrects his attitude depending on the changes of the perception of internal contents of the object (person). In his striving not to harm relations he can demonstrate remarkable tact and ingenuity so as not to allow even a hint of bad attitude.


Possesses generally accepted concepts of concrete logical systems, structures, social hierarchy. The existence of generally accepted concrete social order to be observed in accepted as inevitable necessity.

Exercises willful pressure, using forced methods based exclusively on personal experience. When required, he can defend his understanding of logics, correct consequences, structure, theory, trying to force the opponent to accept his point of view.

However, he feels difficulty when it is necessary to use such pressure; he is oversensitive to the criticism of volitional powers and the necessity to demonstrate violence.


He is attracted by any information on the practical side of activity, qualities and parameters of objects, on optimal organization of activity as a whole, on tendencies of technology development. He organizes his own practical activity exclusively proceeding from the individual experience assimilated.

He would like to believe that he possesses a good taste, can organize the surrounding space and create a comfortable atmosphere. He needs the appreciation of this skill.


He has personal habits in mood demonstration and changes. In various situations, he gives heart himself and others by suitable skills. In everyday life he uses spontaneous skill to estimate the nearest development of events, the inherited feeling of horizon which allows avoiding negative scenarios of the situation development.

IR- Intuitive ethical extravert (Huxley)


He feels well the possibilities of other people watching them from aside, specifically unknown ones, he can mark people possessing interesting abilities among other people. He strives to establish good relations with interesting people on a close distance, to show favor to them.

He finds the way out of various situations having mastered the vision of hidden opportunities, by establishing good relations or developing a positive public opinion.


Possesses generally accepted notions of power influence, pressure, demonstrating power qualities. He builds interrelations and correlations based on personal experience. This is why he is extremely sensitive to the criticism of analytic capabilities, feels difficulty when facing unknown logical schemes.

He tries to reach such extent of influence in the society, which corresponds to his norms of image. He realizes this by personal concepts of intellect, of logical interconnections.


He is attracted by the information of concrete organization of space, of comfortable atmosphere around him. He would like to believe that he can choose rather effective methods of work, organize the process, improve it, change the succession of operations. He needs this skill to be appreciated.

Unconsciously he is activated when it is necessary to create comfort around himself by organizing the execution of work of any kind, demonstrating business activity.


Individual program of creating concrete positive events, positive changes. It is realized by unconscious creating the corresponding state (emotions, feelings, mood, senses) both for himself and those around him.

SP- Sensory logical introvert (Gabin)


Possesses a flexible vision of space correlations and proportions. Perceives the world as a harmony of lines in space, harmony of physical sensations, which is the balance between the simplicity and elegancy of forms. He sees the richness of forms, their absolute and relative value, including both the beautiful and the ugly. He can adapt himself to discomfort, eliminate inconveniency taking into account the norms of esthetics, current situation and positive development of the situation in future. He soberly estimates and uses technical means and materials to achieve the required result taking into account concrete qualities of the materials and the instrumeпts for the given goal.


He plans the course of events based on the assimilated patterns of prognostication. It is difficult for him to depart from the generally accepted way of valuating the development of situation in time. He can deal with emotional situations only based on his own understanding of the emotional sphere of people. The need to correspond the emotional side of the situation with the adequate reaction results in a large difficulty. He is not sure of the adequacy of his manifestation; that is why he tries not to express strong and stormy emotions which create the impression of a pod person. He is not oriented in the sphere of negative emotions.


He is attracted by the information of positive opportunities and non-revealed potential in his life. He is interested in unusual people, opinions, views. He connects the value of the internal contents and the essence of a person with the attitude to him. The way of demonstrating the attitude consists of individual-customary methods. He thinks himself capable of establishing the required relations with those around him and unconsciously tries to receive a proper assessment of this capability.


He has his personal strategy elaborated based on his life experience for protecting own interests and the interests of his close surrounding. He uses the existing systems and rules with his everyday activity flexibly and effectively, including for the protection of his interests.