
School of System Socionics

“Practice is the proof of the truth”

SP- Sensory logical introvert (Gabin)

− БС + ЧЛ
+ ЧЭ − БИ
− БЭ + ЧИ
+ ЧС − БЛ


Possesses a flexible vision of space correlations and proportions. Perceives the world as a harmony of lines in space, harmony of physical sensations, which is the balance between the simplicity and elegancy of forms. He sees the richness of forms, their absolute and relative value, including both the beautiful and the ugly. He can adapt himself to discomfort, eliminate inconveniency taking into account the norms of esthetics, current situation and positive development of the situation in future. He soberly estimates and uses technical means and materials to achieve the required result taking into account concrete qualities of the materials and the instruments for the given goal.


He plans the course of events based on the assimilated patterns of prognostication. It is difficult for him to depart from the generally accepted way of valuating the development of situation in time. He can deal with emotional situations only based on his own understanding of the emotional sphere of people. The need to correspond the emotional side of the situation with the adequate reaction results in a large difficulty. He is not sure of the adequacy of his manifestation; that is why he tries not to express strong and stormy emotions which create the impression of a pod person. He is not oriented in the sphere of negative emotions.


He is attracted by the information of positive opportunities and non-revealed potential in his life. He is interested in unusual people, opinions, views. He connects the value of the internal contents and the essence of a person with the attitude to him. The way of demonstrating the attitude consists of individual-customary methods. He thinks himself capable of establishing the required relations with those around him and unconsciously tries to receive a proper assessment of this capability.


He has his personal strategy elaborated based on his life experience for protecting own interests and the interests of his close surrounding. He uses the existing systems and rules with his everyday activity flexibly and effectively, including for the protection of his interests.