
School of System Socionics

“Practice is the proof of the truth”

Semantics of macro elements

Origin of information macro elements ralated to the information flow generated by the interaction between the psyche and the external world can be represented by the following diagram.

Human sense organs can perceive (read) signals only from the two components of the material world - substance ("discrete" state of matter, delimited by its shape) and field ("continuous", "unbroken" state of matter).

Matter delimited by its shape is interpreted by our senses as an "object". Experimental data of neurophysiologists seems to confirm that static field is not noticed by our senses whereas  changing or moving field is interpreted as "energy". The perceived signals are used to generate  a primary information flow, consisting of the two parts: information about objects (macro element "objects") and information about energy (macro element "energy").

Subjective perception of "space" is constructed from information about "objects". This process can be imagined as functioning of a certain "processor 1" that is computing geometrical (real or virtual) characteristics of objects and their spacial position  (geometrical metrics of objects) and is generating  a secondary component of the information flow, namely: information about space (macro element "space").

Changes of information properties of "objects" , "space" and "energy", analyzed by some virtual "processor 2" have temporal and probabilistic nature and are subjectively perceived as changes of related potentialities, possibilities etc. Changes characterize flow of time and generate one more component of the information flow, which is information about time (macro element "time").

Thus, we have introduced four macro elements of the primary information flow: "objects", "space", "energy" and "time" (so called prime realities or prime bricks - the terms of N.N.Medvedev) which are the four basic constituent parts of the information flow.

By the virtue of the above reasoning, the semantics (the meaning) of the macro elements of the information flow generated by the interaction of the psyche with the external world can be described as follows:

Macro element Символ макроаспекта «Объекты» — «Objects» («Logics») is the part of the information flow related to the interaction of the psyche with the world which carries essential or relational information about material (real, substantial) or virtual (abstract, imaginary) realities of the world, that are actually or virtually delimited by a shape and that relate to man as means ("tools") or subject of work (labor, occupation, activity etc).

Macro element Символ макроаспекта «Пространство» — «Space» («Sensing») is the part of the information flow which carries essential or relational information about real or potential force-related (power) influences, actions, counter-actions, limitations etc directed towards or from material (real, substantial) or virtual (abstract, imaginary) realities of the world.

Macro element  Символ макроаспекта «Энергия» — «Energy» («Ethics») is the part of the information flow which carries essential or relational information about real energy-related or virtual (emotional) states of material (real, substantial) or virtual (abstract, imaginary) realities of the world.

Macro element Символ макроаспекта «Время» — «Time» («Intuition») is the part of the information flow which carries essential or relational information about real, potential or probable (temporal or event-related)  changes of material (substantial, physical) or virtual (abstract, imaginary) realities of the world.

Understanding of the structure and meaning of the information macro  elements is necessary for correct interpretation of main information elements used in socionics (to be expounded in the following chapter), especially in difficult cases of semantic analysis.