
School of System Socionics

“Practice is the proof of the truth”

Conditionally complete structure of the psyche

The natural ending of life consists not in dotage, but in wisdom.
C.G. Jung

The hypothesis of the conditionally complete model[1] of the psyche should be mentioned in connection with the structural model of the psyche. System research of the interaction of the psyche with the outside world shows that the abovementioned structure corresponds to the psyche, as it is said, of a «standard» person. That means the psyche of a person in a relatively normal period of life, when interaction of the psyche with the outside world is caused and provided by individual and personal characteristics of the person (according to the hypothesis - from about the age of 1.5 to 70). However, it is a well-known fact that human mental life arises before birth [1] and comes to an end far beyond the abovementioned conditional boundary of the normal period of life [2, 3]

Some evolutionary scientists have expressed for a long time some conservative assumptions about the presence of «some kind of the psyche» - an elementary brain of the cells but were vigorously opposed by the colleagues and authoritative science because of inability to prove the assumptions[2]. The application of the theory of abstract machine systems to development of a new living being makes it possible not only to prove the hypothesis of cell psyche but also formulate a whole number of nontrivial conclusions of evolutionary theory, psychophysiology, etc. The same is true for the other stage of the age period of human-function as a part of the planetary system «mankind»[1] ... Thus, two more superblocks should be added to the abovementioned psyche structure (see Figure 4):

  • Somewhat «under» the superblock of vital activity of the organism should be put a superblock that demonstrates the structure of the psyche at a physiological level. That is, at the level of the structural elements of the organism - the cells that form the organism, and therefore definitely possessing control and executive system properties (according to the hypothesis it corresponds to the period from conception period till about the age of 1.5). On the analogy of the names of superblocks Vital and Mental suggested by A. Augusta the superblock of psyche activity of the cells could be called Cital (from the Greek «сell»).
  • Somewhat «above» the superblock of creativity should be located a superblock of wisdom reflecting the psyche structure at the conditionally planetary level – superblock of higher consciousness - Supermental (according to the hypothesis, this period comprises the age of 70-180). Ethnology and gerontology, traditions and social norms of many peoples of the world give a reason to consider such phenomena as the cult of the old, the elders to be apparently non-casual and necessary for the normal society development. Indeed, if the superblock of the vital track shapes the level of the individual and superblock Mental models the level of the personality as part of society (sociology thesis: «Personality is a social phenomenon») then nothing prevents us from assuming the existence of the transpersonal, global level of thinking.

Figure 5. Structure of the conditionally complete model of informational metabolism of the psyche

Development of the psyche is determined by system factors of realization of the objective function and expressed by the age periods following one another. They are followed by filling psyche functions with information in the course of interaction with the outside world. In the complete model of informational metabolism of the psyche it is demonstrated by transition from the superblock to the superblock (fig. 5), starting from the cellular level (Cital superblock) and ending at the level of higher consciousness (Supermental superblock); within the superblock the processes have certain peculiarities. In cases of difficulty or prohibition (blocking) of the interaction with the outside world of some functions or blocks, the transition to the following level (the block, the superblock) nevertheless happens on reaching a certain age limit, and sections, that have remained unfilled have an effect on further human life by characteristic distortions of informational metabolism type of the psyche.

There are all grounds to assume, that these four superblocks (fig. 5) form one of the turn of some «spiral» – perhaps, one of the life realization cycle of a person, which belongs to a certain type of informational metabolism. Further - the transition to a new turn, higher (positive development) or lower (degradation) follows[3].

Different periods of developmental age of the psyche are differently studied. So, nowadays the most mysterious period is the period from conception till birth and beyond - till the primary physiological formation of the organism (approximately – at the age of 1-1.5). The academic psychology yet has not recognized the fundamental importance of the psyche development of the organism before birth, but importance of this development is no longer in doubt by contemporary embryology, psychoneuroendocrinology and other human sciences. Moreover, the last third of the twentieth century turned out to be the beginning of research of human mental life before birth. Field of knowledge which is known as prenatal and perinatal psychology [1] has been formed. Without reference to Chinese, Maori, Aztec and many other myths on this intriguing subject, we refer to the research of one of the founders of perinatal psychology professor N. Brekhman (Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Russia) [1].

Women's assumptions that still before birth the child understands something and responds to the thoughts and feelings, have been proved in the scientific researches of intrauterine life of the child conducted by scientists from different countries. It turned out that the child in the womb is not «deaf and dumb», as it has been thought before. Evolving structures of the organism immediately reveal their functions both physiological and psychological. Thus, skin sensitivity is observed starting from seven weeks after the moment of conception, vestibular apparatus function - from 12, tongue papilla - from 14, organs of sight and hearing - from 16-18 weeks, that is, long before the birth the child's sensory organs are able to perceive information from the outside world. The structure of the infant's brain at 24-28 weeks after the conception corresponds to the structure of the brain of an adult.

Studies have shown that from the moment of their formation the nervous system and the brain of the unborn child are actively involved in the interaction of the organism with the outside world, showing reactions, including mental, almost to all stimuli, and as it is considered by some researchers, even to telepathic stimuli[4]. It is established that certain information is accumulated in the child's memory and provides further, in conjunction with «basic» information, a significant impact on the psychological and behavioral characteristics of a person. If information has a negative content, the appeared peculiarities may complicate the life of the individual, break his/her relationships with the social environment and involve a person in a conflict with a greater or lesser intensity[5].

A number of problems start before the child's birth. Thus, unwanted children who have experienced their first school of hatred and rejection in the mother's womb, «carry» these feelings with them and «use» them with varying frequency and effect (these children are subject to conflicts, anti-social acts, crimes and so on). Adopted children unconsciously feel that the mother who is bringing them up is not their biological mother. Surrounding environment after their birth contradicts the one in which they have been brought up before the birth; this fact causes an internal conflict, determines the peculiarities of thinking and often unconsciously provocative behavior. Special and still insufficiently known problem is the disturbance of the formation of children's sexual orientation as a result of parents' excessively ambitious desires to have the child of a particular sex: if the sex of the unborn child does not meet the wishes of the mother than the behavior more typical for a person of the opposite sex, sometimes with serious consequences, is observed in child's further life.

Developing perinatal psychology affects many aspects of human life, provides new opportunities for deliverance from human suffering and phobias, which haven't had a reasonable explanation yet. It is already known that the difficulties of psychotherapy regarding the need to overcome illogical resistance of the client that comes from his unconsciousness increase the topicality of the problem of preventing the mother from negative thoughts. In this light it would be necessary to mention and revive many folk customs that are aimed at creating a comfort zone around the pregnant woman, maximum removal of stressful irritants. Continuation of scientific researches in the field of perinatal psychology will allow us to understand the psyche of a person and will bring harmony in life of human society [1].


  1. Brekhman N. Perinatal psychology: problems of living people and a human of the future// Pacient, 1999, No. 3 (in Russian)
  2. Mikulin A.A. Active longevity M.: Fizkultura i sport, 1997 (in Russian)
  3. Glass J. Live to be 180/ Transl. from English M.: Fizkultura i sport, 1991 (in Russian)
  4. Yermak V.D. Systems, systems principles, the systems approach. — Kiev 1993, (scientific and technical report № 193442758) // Published: Socion, No. 2, 1997, No. 1, 1998. (in Russian)
  5. Bukalov A.V. On the four-level model of the type//Socionics, mentology and personality psychology, 1996, No. 3.  (in Russian)

[1] The hypothesis of the conditionally complete structure of the psyche was suggested by V.D. Yermak and G.B. Senyuk in 1992. The four-level model of TIM based on the description of certain energetic aspects and the so-called “planes of human consciousness” by Sri Aurobindo was suggested by A.V. Bukalov [5].

[2] At the end of 2000, information agencies reported under the heading “Single-cell intellect” about the research of Japanese scientists who established the presence of primitive intellect with single-cell organisms by way of experiments. They used the method of labyrinth, which had been well-practiced on animals for psyche investigation, to single-cell organisms. The investigators placed ameba in a labyrinth, at the end whereof the favorite food of protozoa was left. There were four different ways to reach the food. The intellectual ameba confidently chose the shortest one. During the second series of experiments the food was placed in different ends of the labyrinth and the protozoa demonstrated the ability to analysis. To begin with, it reached the food that was the nearest. Then it returned to the initial point (probably not to be lost) and practically without mistake it reached the second portion. In the experiment the thinking process of ameba took more time than the same process with experimental rats – it took about two minutes to ameba to take the decision to which side to go first.

[3] However, the remark of K. Popper made in similar situation is quite appropriate here: «We do not know – we can only suggest».

[4] At the end of the 70-ies American scientists shot an extremely interesting film with the use of computerized processing of ultrasonic images (US investigation) about the behavior of unborn baby depending on the behavior of the mother and external effects. The film was repeatedly broadcast by TV channels of many countries of the world …excluding our country… The film strikes by quite evident and various psychic reactions of 4-5 months (from the conception) baby. Six month baby not only sensitively reacts to the mother behavior and shows intellectual and emotional reactions but it is able to play games with his own mother directly in the womb…The film frames showing the attempts of the baby to escape the instrument of gynecologist performing abortion are shocking… The film was ordered by the opponents of abortion. Half of the American gynecologists refused to perform abortions.

[5] «The small being while still in the mother womb receives information of whether his mother expects him and loves him with the aid of some unknown mechanisms…This is why doctors advise to pregnant women to speak to future baby» (L. Popova, Professor, Kiev Medical Academy of Post-graduate education – weekly edition "Your health", March 21, 2002). Many American psychologists are sure that the baby must be educated when it is still in his mother’s womb. Being grounded on the research demonstrating that on the 6th month of his development the baby hears sounds, engineers of U.S. company Munchkin suggested a special player for the baby that is still in his mother’s womb. Experiments showed that classical music assists to correct development of the baby and serves as the basis to musical education (information from the site news.battery.ru).