
School of System Socionics

“Practice is the proof of the truth”

Dimension four. Parameters of "experience", "norms", "situation" and "time" (or "globality")

The most difficult to understand, but perhaps the most interesting dimension - is the dimension four. V.D.Ermak defines it as "a point on the timeline serving as a reference parameter for an information function and binding information processing to a certain point in the past, present or future." A.V. Bukalov calls it "the globality vector", or "the time vector."

So, we have the two references: time and globality.

Lets examine the "time" parameter. It is important not to confuse the "time" parameter with the information element T (intuition of time). A clear distinction needs to be made here.

Time as the information element T (intuition of time) represents information about changes. When we are mentioning an information element we are referring to the semantics (meaning) of the information being processed. What is the meaning of a T-message? Changes. For example:

Yesterday I left my home half an hour later, and was nearly late for work.

This is an example of an information message having semantics of T element (intuition of time.) It has to do with how events correlate in time: the usual routine of leaving the house, yesterdays event of leaving the house and the moment of arrival to work. Alternation of events is perceived by us as the flow of time. Describing the relationship of some of the facts, we're talking about events i.e. T element. It should be mentioned here that every person has the notion and vocabulary of time, i.e. everyone can successfully use linguistic expressive means to describe temporal phenomena regardless of his/her TIM. Everyone has understanding of what is "yesterday" and what means "one hour later".  From the above example we can conclude that the main information element of the message is T - the intuition of time. And that's all we can do. The passage contains no other indicators (regarding dimension or sign or pertinence to either mental or vital track of information processing).

Time as a parameter (the dimension four) relates to the quality of information processing, its power or measure. Lets look at the process of information perception starting from the dimension one and going up to the dimension four. First we pass the information through our senses, we touch it and give a name to our perception (experience) then we correlate what we have felt with some templates (norms), then we assess the current situation and make corrections accordingly (situation) and, finally, we see what is going on as flow, constant change (the time parameter).  In fact, we have four measuring tapes, four gauges to assess the incoming information: we can gauge it up to our experience, up to the norms, up to the situation and up to a moment in time. So, when in comes to the parameter "time", we are talking about gauging information processing, we are talking about how the information is processed.

The essence of the parameter "time" is perception of any information related to the respective information element in the context of constant time changes, which results in having a global perspective, a position of a bird's-eye view observer.

The third dimension parameter ("situation") is actually static. It's like a frame of a photo camera film. One shot - one situation, next shot - next situation. This is a 3D snapshot, it covers a lot of detail, but still it is just a frame. The fourth ("time") parameter, to continue our analogy, resembles a functioning movie projector: there are no individual frames - only a constant movement of the film image. It's impossible to tear out a single frame from this film, as one can not tear a day from his life. I think, that explains why some socionic authors describe the function 1 as a continuous function, and the function 2 (the resulting one) is described as a pulse function.

Four-dimensional functions (#1 and #8) have parameters "experience", "norms", "situation" and "time".

Imagine that you were shown a single situation-frame and asked how you would act in it. Your reaction will depend on the dimension of your respective information function. A three-dimensional function handles the information that is contained in the frame, so that the decision is made with reference to this situation. A four-dimensional function processes the information contained in the situation-frame, as well as the preceding frames and keeps in mind possible frames that could follow and considers all this material to make its decision. A four-dimensional function simply cannot be narrowed down to the situation, it perceives the situation not as something static but as a development. That's why these two functions could come to different solutions.

The dimension four is synonymous to dynamic perception of the constantly changing world. And how this perception is reflected in responses given during TIM identification interviews? Our observations show that a person is not inclined to give a definite and fixed answer, because in the world of constant change there is little place for fixed things, but he would rather say that at the moment such-and-such solution is the best possible one. And this, of course, implies that the solution is subject to change.

A solution of a "situational" function resolves the situation. A solution of a four-dimensional function solves the situation for this moment.  For example:

We have made a very detailed study of the fourth dimension, and have identified a number of indicators, which are found in speech and point to this dimension. The situation is such that study of external manifestations of the fourth dimension in speech is only possible for people whose TIMs are well known and who themselves are able to track the functioning of their TIM models, who can distinguish reactions of each function, and constantly monitor their thinking. There are not many such people. At the moment this is all that we can offer to those who study socionics.

The above passage is about an object - the "dimension of a function", which has been studied to a certain extent and for which are revealed some of its properties (the object and its properties, you can work with, belong to the information element T). The reference to "the moment" focuses on the fact that the author suggests further study of the object and that its properties are not yet fully explored (and can they be fully explored at all?). A four-dimensional P works constantly, every following moment it is not the same. Change in perception of object's properties can also happen constantly. It is reluctant to fix only one understanding or perception, but still it is necessary to do it to be able to convey to people the up to date results.

A four-dimensional function makes a "snapshot" and describes the frame. Sometimes it is called "in this situation", because it is a situation - stopped in one's mind and static. More often it is referred to as "the moment", and this expression reflects the dynamic ongoing nature of information processing. But sometimes you wouldn't catch any obvious indicators at all. That's why the dimension four is so elusive. 

The capacity of a four-dimensional function to encompass the thinking (related to the respective information element) in its development engenders its following peculiarity - "globality".

Globality of the function 1 is manifested in the fact that in the light of the fourth dimension a person can see all the "film" of a lifetime in its motion; he encompasses it with the mind's eye and understands where his development is heading. What it looks like in reality? For example, a person can see or simply understand that something constitutes his Way.

R, f. 1: You'd better ask yourself: "What does it mean - "my type"? What do I want from him? What can I personally accept in my life and what not"? I think, over time, this understanding changes, and so change the answers, they will be different in different periods of life, so the concept of "my type" will be different.

... From my experience, when I evaluated to what extent we [me and my girl] are compatible, I used to draw a mental picture: we are together doing ordinary everyday things that I usually do alone, that is, here we are living under the same roof, having breakfast together, we go shopping, discussing something, we are having good and bad moods, get sick, etc. If you can draw such a picture, and if you can believe in it, then you'll be able to co-exist with this person. Finally, if you want to invest more (ambitions) into the term "my type", you could imagine the picture: "I'm building a career, and he is patiently going through all the hardships of feeding our baby." If such a picture is plausible, then he is the "right" man.

The dimension four in T is constant awareness of the flow of changes and events.

The dimension four in I is constant following of relations between meanings and possibilities.

The dimension four in L is constant awareness of facts and actions related to the laws of cause and effect.

The dimension four in P is constant awareness of the facts and actions of the world of objects.

The dimension four in S is constant perception of flowing shapes, colors, tastes, and other sensory information.

The dimension four in F - is constant tracking of borders and boundaries, their movement and the force fields which influence the border configurations.

The dimension four in E - is constant feeling of energy states and their changes.

The dimension four in R - this constant tracking of the play of feelings.

Other papers on the topic:

  1. Eglit I.M. The base function .
  2. Eglit I.M. Dimensions of functions
  3. Eglit I.M. Use of protocols for TIM identification by correspondence in the Internet
  4. Eglit I.M. TIM identification
  5. Recognizing the Tm parameter

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